Lost & Found
Have you lost something? Depending on where you left the item, please check with the different lost and found contacts.
Oh No! Did you lose something?
Fresno Yosemite International Airport is here to help!
If you've lost or left something in the Airport terminal please contact Airport Public Safety immediately to see if it has been turned in or call:
+1.559.621.6650 or +1.559.621.6670
However, if you think you’ve lost an item on the plane, at the ticket counter, or left your baggage on the baggage claim carousel please contact your airline directly. For your convenience, a list of airlines and their contact information may be found below:
Additional Information
If you've lost something at Security Screening please contact the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) +1.559.456.6862
If you found an item, please turn the item in at the Airport Public Security Office. They will hold all lost items on Airport grounds until they are claimed.