Contact Us
Questions, comments or concerns? We want to hear from you so we can continue to provide the best flying experience to our passengers.
Connect with FAT
Fresno Yosemite International Airport is committed to providing a first class airport experience for our passengers. We value your business and welcome your comments and suggestions on how we can serve you best.
Business Hours: Monday- Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM +1.559.621.4500
After Hours: +1.800.244.2359
Airport Administration Offices: 4995 E Clinton Way, Fresno CA 93727
If you have a question about your baggage status or for baggage related information, please contact your airline directly. For your convenience, a list of airlines and their contact information may be found at: Airline Contact Information
Airport Address: 5175 E Clinton Way, Fresno CA 93727
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